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  • IstTek Announces Official European Launch

    23 Sep 2020 Josh Ayres, IstTek
    Contact Centre Technology Company IstTek announces European Partner Launch to Fire Up Suite of Customer Experience Solutions.
  • Lots of emphasis is placed on how to deflect customers away from your contact centre – we all know unnecessary time spent on calls represents a cost, of course. And while tips and advice on doing this ...
  • 85% of business decision makers believe that RPA and/or automation offers more to the business than just time and cost savings. The role of automation in our lives is changing rapidly to adjust to the ...
  • Automation in the Post-COVID Contact Center

    08 Sep 2020 Ed Finegold, contributing analyst
    Automation is playing an increasing role in communications service providers’ (CSPs) contact centers, driven by a continued focus on improving customer experience (CX) and the massive impact of the CO ...
  • Leading call tracking provider develops pioneering speech analytics tool
  • In most organizations, contact centers being no exception, there is the cream of the crop or high-performance agents and there are those at the very bottom, who need to go on a performance plan or lea ...
  • Your head and your heart are telling you it’s time to leave, but you’re worried how your decision could impact other people. That’s understandable. But instead of sticking with a bad phone system out ...
  • If you’re struggling to keep pace with all the incoming calls, emails, chats, and other communications, it’s a good problem to have. But even good problems are problems that must be solved, and call c ...
  • For the majority of the year 2020, organizations have lost their ability to deliver in-person service to their customers. Meanwhile, customers endured increasingly complex scenarios requiring a high l ...
  • "Calls will be recorded for quality and training purposes."
  • Top 10 Huddle Room Solutions

    01 Sep 2020 By Rebekah Carter - EM360
    Video is emerging as the ultimate communication solution. Capable of mimicking all the nuances of face-to-face interactions, video offers a convenient and cost-effective replacement for in-person meet ...
  • Data breaches and cyber attacks occur daily, so it is vital that organisations develop robust security practices. In the contact centre, for example, protecting customer data is absolutely key to avoi ...
  • Customer Experience World Games

    21 Jul 2020 Limetropy
    The Customer Experience World Games was an idea that was born in response to the Covd-19 lockdown. During the early part of quarantine, we had been speaking to several CX individuals who were feeling ...
  • Meeting customer demands in crisis mode is one thing and delivering an exceptional CX in a world transformed by the pandemic is another. Ian Jacobs, principal analyst at Forrester recently discussed w ...
  • It’s still good to talk: only 15% of consumers want no human interaction with brands. A new survey reveals UK consumers crave the personal touch when buying  
  • These are certainly extraordinary times both personally and professionally. With the new reality of social distancing and ‘shelter-in-place’ orders, businesses worldwide are scrambling to adapt to thi ...
  • Great customer experience and engagement are more important than ever. During the turmoil of COVID-19, what does excellent customer engagement look like? How can brands be there for customers and cont ...
  • With the disruption caused by coronavirus ensure contact center agents are able to manage increased call volumes by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to help scale support.  
  • Customer loyalty hinges on the customer experience, and because of that, the contact center—where the customer experience is shaped—is now the proving ground for brand differentiation.
  • Amid the new reality of social distancing and ‘shelter-in-place’ orders, contact centers bear the massive burden of inbound communications whether calls or messages that are oftentimes emotionally cha ...